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The super energy of Virgo’s new moon

Writer's picture: Rebecca Jane BroomfieldRebecca Jane Broomfield

Lunar’s cycle is once again complete as we enter the dark moon phase today. She will shine her new light into being once more tomorrow as a new super moon on September 17th 2020 at 12noon UK time in the maiden sign of Virgo.

Its comforting to know we are now one retrograde down with the turning direct of Jupiter in capricorn. Feeling into this energy She is going to bring us new wisdom, creative ideas and future vision. Within less than a month Saturn and Pluto will also move stationary direct. Although these will come with some tricky aspects.

Interesting Aspects during this super new moon

This super new moon will fall at 25degrees of Virgo and as a super moon brings with it a super power!Super new moons occur when the Lunar appears closer to the earth and it amplifies her magic! Your intentions are much stronger at this time meaning its worth really taking time to think about those wishes. A new Lunar in the sign of Virgo can relate to medicine and health making this a pefect time for us all to focus on our health and hope rises for potential cures for disease. There is a stong physical connection to the gut with the Virgo embodiment and maybe we all need to think about our nutrition and gut health during this time? Virgo teaches us ancient wisdom of the earth, how mother Gaia holds us and nurtures us. Perhaps she can already provide us with the medicine we need? If only we treated her better!

Virgo excels at work issues and she puts emphasis on detail, information and routine. Ruled by the planet Mercury she relates to the coginitive/mind. Its important at this super new moon, to pull energy from mind into down into the body. By drawning that energy down we ground it, making it solid and structured. This supports more effective manifestation making dreams become reality. There is also an element of discrimination and choice at this time. Choose to be conscious in your thinking that way you become a witness to your thoughts. By becoming aware of your thinking you can then choose not to get drawn into negativity and remain focused on the positive. With Mercury square to Jupiter big and expansive thinking is possible now providing an opportunity to look at the whole picture as a collective. With its quincux to Neptune in pisces, which is also in opposition to the sun and moon we have enhanced imagination and vision for the future. This could potentially be a brand new page to your life story as well as the story for all. Make space to feel into the connection to oneness and source right now. Neptune is still in square to the nodel axis and this can create some confusion or clouded vision we need to be aware of. But she also holds magic to reveal hidden secrets and mysteries that may support us now. firey Mars now retrograde in Aries also sits in square to the powerhouse planets in Capricorn and we can all feel this tension with new restrictions and constraints. There is always a silver lining though, with a real light shining from this slither of Lunar’s body as she and the sun are both trine to Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn. This is the super power to make things happen long term. What do you want to create in your life and what can we create together?let your intentions come from a place of love at this challenging time.

Spending time in nature- Take time to connect to the earth through grounding practices. Feel your bare feet as they touch Gaia’s body and sense her energy as she draws you to her medicine wisdom.

Candle Gazing- Focus your mind to find your most meaningful intentions and wishes for this super new lunar. Gaze into the light of a candle, watch as the flame dances and brings new clarity of thought. Do this for a few minutes and then close your eyes seeing the sparkling flame in your minds eye. As you do this feel into your body and sense as messages make themselves as clear as the flame.

Connecting to the divine feminine and priestess power- Draw from the maiden energy of Virgo by connecting to your divine feminine nature, both men and women have it. This is the practical and nurturing part of you that can bring you wisdom to sort the wheat from the chaff. She offers you a chance to start a fresh with a powerful intention.

Wishing you all well and blessings of lunars love and new light.

Rebecca Yoga Fae xxx


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