Summer is the the season of joy, spaciousness & a playful heart. I've loved sharing practices and workshops this month celebrating the energies of the summer, not only can we develop our personal practice with tailored postures and techniques but really appreciate that with the changing seasons in nature we also are able to build a deeper connection to our own inner seasons. Depending on our natural constitution (which fluctuates throughout our lives) we may feel lighter, brighter and more energetic OR feel sluggish, in the realms of 'melting slug vibes' and find the normal day to day routine a little too much. BOTH of these contrasts are normal and valid!! One year you may feel happy basking in the sunshine, another, sitting in the shade.
The season of summer correlates to FIRE. The sunshine can help to recharge our batteries, but if we are busy people with busy lives and living a fast pace of life we might notice that the element of fire brings about frustration, irritation and burn out. Imagine adding logs to a well established fire that doesn't need them, things can get out of control quite quickly. Make sense?
How can we create balance in Summer? Despite FIRE being the main quality this season we actually need to acknowledge more moments of slowing down, we need to rest more often, adapt our eating habits and also teach ourselves to do less. Honouring our own personal pathway of life can really help us hone in on a tailored wellbeing and spiritual practice that supports OUR needs, in OUR own way.
Below you will discover guidance and advice on Yoga & TCM philosophy that can assist you in achieving balance during this season!

How can we use our yoga practice and wellbeing knowledge to support us this time of year?
This season we explore the Heart Meridian & Solar Plexus Chakra.
Yoga always offers us a chance to experience expansion, not only when we physically move the body but it opens our minds. Stepping on the mat can help us gain a lot of clarity with our thoughts and behaviors, we learn so much about ourselves as we move from pose to pose, we have time to be with ourselves and its a beautiful journey that unravels over time.
Yoga helps us to build a mind-body connection that enables us to tackle life's obstacles with openness.
Within Summer we feel energetic, the season of Summer brings about vibrance, everything seems to be bursting with vigor and nature is at its peak! Flowing and uplifting yoga practices feel like a natural go to and can really help us maintain our momentum and aid in creating a happy sunshine glow. Practices & postures that can help invite the energy of summer can be heart openers, backbends, hand and arm postures, YIN yoga (yep I said Yin!), posture's working with the solar plexus (core) and acupressure points related to the Heart & small intestine in TCM. Even though we may have high energy levels this time of year we have to acknowledge for us to create balance we very often need to do the opposite, so opting for slower exercise classes, walking, tai chi and yin yoga can be incredibly beneficial.
The Solar Plexus Chakra, also referred to as the Manipura Chakra, is the third chakra within the 7-chakra system. This energy center is responsible for our confidence, assertiveness, and the ability to make decisions based on inner wisdom. It serves as the essential element in unlocking our personal power and fostering a strong sense of self. Imbalance in this chakra can lead to feelings of insecurity, self-doubt, and a lack of life direction. Fortunately, through personal exploration and yoga practices we can bring more awareness to this powerful energy centre and reconnect with our inner strength.
This energy centre is one of my favourites to work with, its connects us to a playful and curious mind, it helps us find laughter when things feel tricky, it's the centre that's going to give us all the life lessons we need to progress in life. When a tricky posture arises in class (erm, every class right?!) you'll always hear me encouraging you, THIS is where the magic happens! We may be at battle with the interrupting mind, we are in a balancing pose and we find ourselves wobbling, things are shaking, we fall. We have two options here and this is where the solar plexus shines in all its glory! We have a choice, we can either admit defeat or give something a go, if we fail its okay!! What did we learn? Can we try again? This is the biggest lesson we can learn in life, try and try again dear ones. If we fail we should be proud that we tried, if we never try we are never going to make progress.
Yoga poses for summer:
Seated Forward Bend
Revolved Head-to-Knee Pose
Side plank
Any balance poses
Puppy pose
Childs pose
Bow pose
Boat post
Chair pose
Half moon pose
Fish pose
Camel pose
Eagle pose (arms only)

During the summer season, the heart meridian is at its peak activity and is closely connected to the mind, serving as the emotional ruler of the body. As well as regulating the emotions the heart harbors the spirit, it also overlooks the function of all organs and tissues. A strong and tranquil heart can manage emotions effectively; however, if it is weak and uncertain, emotions may act out and disturb the heart-mind, resulting in a loss of control over the body's seemingly 'normal' day to day functions and starts to compromise the immune system. Within the Chinese Medicine Five Element Theory, the heart corresponds to the Fire element. Overheating of the heart's Yin organ can lead to both physical and emotional disruptions, Physically we may experience elevated blood pressure, palpitations, shortness of breath, anxiety, and insomnia. Emotionally we may feel mental restlessness, agitation, quick temper or overwhelm.
The peak of heart energy occurs between 11 am and 1 pm, when the heart meridian is at its most active. It is advisable to make the most of this time by having lunch, decreasing stress levels, resting, and savoring a calming cup of tea. To support your heart Qi, strive to cultivate a tranquil setting, immerse yourself in nature, love, and happiness, incorporate breaks into your routine, participate in activities that bring you joy and emotional balance, and regulate your intake of caffeine and vigorous exercise to avoid excessive heat accumulation.
In balance:
When the heart meridian is in a state of balance, it enhances feelings of joy, emotional equilibrium, mental clarity, and restful sleep. It fosters harmonious relationships and effective communication, while nurturing a profound sense of compassion and love.
Out of balance:
When the heart meridian is imbalanced, it can lead to emotional turbulence, anxiety, melancholy, sleep disturbances, or difficulties in interpersonal connections. Physical indications may include irregular heartbeat, chest discomfort, excessive perspiration, and circulatory issues.
In the summer, Yang energy peaks, manifesting physically and emotionally. This season is linked to the element fire, known for its dynamic, ever-changing, fiery nature. Take note of when you might be feeling on the edge of burn out, we can soak up the sunshine but have to acknowledge that if our pace of life is already very fast, adding heat to the mix is not going to help our wellbeing and will throw us off balance very quickly. It's a great time of year to create new intentions, explore the things in life that uplift you, book a holiday, build new friendships, make the most of natural spaces with the birds & trees. Eat outdoors, exercise outdoors, do as many things as you can outdoors! Honouring time to slow down will create balance this season so give yourself permission for more down time, you know you deserve it.
Helpful tips:
Air out the house for fresh air for more hours in the day.
Eat fresh salads, fruit daily, lemon & cucumber water.
Drink water at room temperature (no ice as its stunts digestion)
Spend time in nature as often as possible.
Enjoy adventures or road trips to new places (curiosity helps build strength!)
Be assertive with your decisions and plans.
Reach out and spend time with friends and family more often.
Allocate an hour in your day to do very little (I was going to say nothing but I might be pushing my luck!)
Don't over fill the diary when you know you're at your capacity.
Lean on others and ask for support & help.
Find confidence in enjoying all of the things you love to do.
Slow down! Try tai chi, leisure swims, forest bathing, star gazing, a book in a hammock?!
Sending you all so much love this Summer! Id love to hear your feelings and thoughts about this blog, did anything resonate with you?
V x