The full wolf moon (as she is known in the farmers Almanac) Is getting ready to shine her luminous light upon us. Lunar moon is expanding and growing to fullness in the sign of the great lioness. At around 7.16pm (GMT) on 28th January 2021 she will reach her maximum wholeness bringing with her the qualities of creativity, gratitude, heart felt wisdom and playfulness in the sign of Leo. This is a time to draw from your confidence within to enable you to shine your light into the world. Be the star of your own life! Full Lunar light is always a time when things are highlighted, allowing the unseen to be seen. She also guides you to release anything that no longer serves you and celebrate all that has gone well. She reminds us to come back into our heart centred space and hold a sense of gratitude for the things we are thankful for.
Full moons always occur when there is a cosmic opposition to the sun who is currently sitting in the revolutionary sign of Aquarius. This leads us to work with the energy of the Leo/Aquarius axis and with her current stellium of the Sun, Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn all holding space in her sign. This is a powerful connection. With all these giantess plants in the sign of revolution and evolution lunar is highlighting our growing ever stronger need to focus on supporting the collective. She asks us to consider things from a place of the heart and recognize that you are valued and worthy. Perhaps she guides you to look at your own energy and notice how you are showing up in the world? Is there anything you can do to better support your sense of self worth? How can you give back and contribute to this evolutionary time on Earth? This is not about conformity this is about how you are embracing your uniqueness and how this will contribute to the collective energies. The most important thing you need to know first is who you are before you can offer any service to others. Leo relates to our individual identity and also draws you back to your inner child in order to bring out your playful and inquisitive nature. Lunar moon then guides you to not take life so seriously by giving you an opportunity to release all that is weighing you down.
Sol (the sun) and Jupiter will be conjunct during this full Lunar moon and Jupiter will offer us abundance and blessings through her powers of expansion if only we are open and in a heart centred space ready to receive. You need to have faith and trust, believing that there is positive light within the darkness. Lunar asks us to find the joy and release the fear to allow magic to flow into our lives.
Leo Full Moon Medicine
• Get Creative- Give yourself time and space to create during this full moon. It doesn’t matter what you choose to create, it may be art, music, poetry, writing, anything that ignites your soul spark and brings you joy.
• Gratitude Practice- Practice focusing on the things you are grateful for daily. This may be by starting the day waking up and thinking of a few things you are thankful for or by writing a list.
• Connecting to you heart centre- Take an opportunity to stop and feel your breath moving into your heart. Visualise your own heart energy in the form of a colour or light and with each breath see that light shinning brighter.
Don’t forget to take your crystals outside to bathe in the moonlight, as can you!
I am wishing you all well on this heart felt full moon in Leo.
If you feel you need any support during this time, please reach out.
I have now restarted my weekly online yoga sessions which all work with the energy of the cosmos, goddess, elements, and wheel of the year. I am also still offering my Stella Star Story Medicine readings at a reduced rate until Jan 31st. Please feel free to get in touch for any further information.
Sending stella star blessings and love
Rebecca Yoga Fae Star Priestess xxx