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DAY 8 - Seated Side Bend #wildlove30days

Writer: Victoria WaitsVictoria Waits

Day 8 of the #wildlove30days yoga challenge

I personally love seated side bends, it allows us to get into a particularly 'tough' area within the body, the Quadratus Lumborum. This muscle attaches the ribcage & pelvis together and while we're going through our day to day activities it can often be continuous contraction or tightening. Taking time to stretch this area can be helpful to ease lower & upper back pain, you might also feel a little taller too. One tip for you, explore this in a 'Yin' style, with cushions and bolsters, despite being a tight area it can find a softness if you stretch it without force.

Revolved head to knee pose - Parivrtta Janu Sirsasana

  1. Start in a seated position (optional cushion!) guide the legs wide.

  2. Bend the right knee and guide the right heel towards the groin, the pelvis will be squared to the front edge of the mat and the knees will be wide (almost creating a triangle).

  3. The left leg will be extending, flex the foot! Rest the left hand on the left thigh/shin.

  4. Inhale and extend the right hand towards the ceiling, lengthening the right side body.

  5. As you exhale begin to reach the right hand towards the left foot, ensure this is a side bend and not a lean forwards.

  6. The right hand side waist and lower back get a GOOD deep stretch here and these can often be muscles that can hinder lower back pain if tight.

  7. You may feel a little engagement through you left waist which is okay as these muscles are shortening to aid the side bend.

  8. Every inhalation lengthen the side body and open the lungs, every exhale soften into the side bend.

  9. Shine the heart towards the space in front of you, keep the collar bones open and encourage space around the ears and shoulders.

  10. 5 - 10 deep breaths both sides.

Tips & adjustments:

+ This posture can be accessed as a Yin variation with pillows and props to support!

+ You can side bend with both legs extended out rather than one knee bent.

+ Take a layer away by leaning back against a wall for support.

+ Support the 'bent leg' outer thigh with a pillow.

✨ Take a photo of your posture and share it on Facebook/Instagram with the tag @wildlove_yoga #wildlove30days

Have fun and enjoy!

V x



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