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DAY 6 - Seated Twist #wildlove30days

Writer: Victoria WaitsVictoria Waits

Day 6 of the #wildlove30days yoga challenge

A seated twist that brings release to the lower back and outer hips, aids digestion and massages the abdominals, opens the heart and shoulders. This is a lovely posture to bring inner calm into the mind, it's a compression pose that can often feel snuggly and restful.

Ardha Matsyendrasana - Half lord of the fishes pose

1. Starting seated with the legs straight in front of you, bend your left knee up to the chest and bring the sole of your left foot over the right leg.

2. Place the left foot to the floor on the outside of your right thigh. This can be our first variation. Bring the right hand onto the left knee, left hand behind, take an inhale to broaden the chest and exhale to twist slowly to the left hand side.

3. If you feel comfortable to move a little deeper, bend your right knee and tuck your right foot in near your left buttock.

4. It's the same placement of the hands, right hand left knee, left hand supports behind the pelvis. Exhale and twist your torso to the left, bringing your right elbow to the outside of your left knee or hugging with the right hand and forearm (see how you feel!).

5. If comfortable gently guide your gaze over your left shoulder, but be mindful this isn’t forced. Allow the shoulders to be soft, the twist to move from the waist and collar bones long.

6. Enjoy this compressive pose, feel your belly inflate and press to the inner thigh. 5-10 breaths, each side.

✨ Take a photo of your posture and share it on Facebook/Instagram with the tag @wildlove_yoga #wildlove30days

Have fun and enjoy!

V x



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