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Beetroot & Feta Salad

Writer: Victoria WaitsVictoria Waits

This is a colourful salad thats sweet and earthy, I love beetroot and its a great flavour in any dish. The texture works well with the crunchy leaves and it really brings out the flavour of the feta cheese! Always remember you can always add a dairy free alternative if you still want to use cheese, I think this is the first recipe Ive shared with it in! Enjoy this on warm days, toast a little sour dough and enjoy!


Red cabbage

Savoy Cabbage

4 large Beetroot (we use 'Love beets' no vinegar)

x1 red onion

x1 garlic clove


Lettuce leaves (Round lettuce is super nice in this)

2-3tbsp Olive oil

2 tsp Apple cider vinegar

2 tbsp Capers

3 tbsp Oregano

2 tbsp Sun flower seeds

Feta cheese

Himalayan salt & Cracked black pepper


  1. This is one of those recipes where I encourage you to 'throw it all in' and see what happens!

  2. Take two large slices from the end of the red cabbage (we certainly don't use the whole thing... unless you're feeding a family of 10!

  3. Finely slice and add to a large clean bowl.

  4. Finely slice your red onion and either crush your garlic clove or grate it.

  5. Pull off a few leaves of the savoy cabbage, finely slice and add.

  6. I love to add loads of cucumber, its normally half but find your preferred amount, chop a little '+' through the end and slice, you'll get perfect quarters.

  7. Tear a few leaves from your lettuce, if you have spinach close by throw some of that in too!

  8. Chop your beetroot into bite sized chunks, I used about 4 large beetroot.

  9. Combine all of the ingredients together to get a colourful mixture!

  1. We now add the dressing and herbs, sprinkle over the oregano, capers, sunflower seeds and mix through.

  2. Add the olive oil (I normally do 1 LARGE drizzle) Im hoping that the measurements add up!

  3. Add the apple cider vinegar, stir though.

  4. Enjoy a taste of the salad and add your Himalayan salt and black pepper to taste.

  5. Finally adding your Feta cheese! You can either serve up the salad with a big slab over the top, or chop a quarter from your block and crumble it through.

  6. If you can leave this salad to settle for an hour it tastes even better as all the flavours will combine!

  7. Perfect for enjoying straight away with some warm sough dour bread...

  8. Now go try it!!!

Keep up to date with all new recipes that Im in the process of blogging, summer is a great time to try new fruit and vegetables and I hope you enjoy everything Ill be sharing.

All my love,

V x


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