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Victoria Waits
Jul 12, 2023
Last Few Spaces - Yoga Half Retreat Day
RETREAT DAY LAST FEW SPACES LEFT! This is a half day retreat day where I’ll be sharing the most beautiful practices within the Wyre...

Victoria Waits
Apr 13, 2023
Upcoming Workshops - April
I am very much looking forward to sharing this months workshops with you, with a new month is upon us we get to explore a new theme 'self...

Victoria Waits
Apr 4, 2022
Mindful Monday
Mindful Monday How you start your week is important, how you start your day even more so. Even if we are working on varying time...

Victoria Waits
Sep 26, 2021
Self Care Sunday
Happy Sunday! Todays 5 self care tips are: + Go for a walk, whatever the weather. + Drink extra cups of water. + Plan your week ahead...

Victoria Waits
May 14, 2021
Be yourself.
Be yourself. Show up, every day. This is what this past year has taught me and I just wanted to give you all the biggest virtual hug for...

Victoria Waits
Mar 27, 2021
Self Care Sunday
Happy Sunday! + Have a snooze! + Eat 5 fruit and 5 vegetables within the day. + Move your body to some new music. + Repeat to yourself 'I...

Victoria Waits
Mar 21, 2021
Self Care Sunday
Happy Sunday! + Upon waking say 5 things you're grateful for. + Move and shake your body to some music! + Have one less cup of caffeine....

Victoria Waits
Mar 14, 2021
Self Care Sunday
Good Morning Yogi's! + Take a walk, whatever the weather. + Drink two extra cups of water today. + Find 5 minutes of quiet time without...

Victoria Waits
Mar 7, 2021
Self Care Sunday
Happy Sunday yogi's! + Why not stay in bed that little bit longer?! + Drink a warm water & lemon upon waking. + Stretch & open those arms...

Victoria Waits
Feb 28, 2021
Self Care Sunday.
Happy Sunday yogi's! + Open all the windows are air the house. + Read a chapter of a different book. + Notice the breath for 5 minutes. +...

Victoria Waits
Feb 21, 2021
Self Care Sunday
Happy Sunday. + Hot lemon drink upon waking. + 5 minute yoga practice. + Journalling. + Brushing off negative emotions. + Laugh out loud...

Victoria Waits
Feb 14, 2021
Selfcare Sunday
SELF CARE SUNDAY! + Take time waking up, add 10 minutes onto your morning routine. + Take a quiet walk in nature + Explore self massage +...

Victoria Waits
Feb 7, 2021
Self care Sunday
SELF CARE SUNDAY! + Upon waking lie on your back and breath into your belly. + Go for a walk, whatever the weather. + Brush your teeth...

Victoria Waits
Nov 9, 2020
Happy to be back.
This weeks classes are open for booking, I’m feeling better in my body and mind, and as you know, our intention for classes this week is...
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